Creating an Account and Logging In

Head to then click on "Login/Register" to create a new account:

In this Guide

To create a new account:

  1. Click on "Sign up" to initiate the account creation process.
  2. Enter the desired username, email address, and password for the new account.
  3. Press "Sign up" to proceed.

Usernames can consist of any characters except for spaces.

After completing the sign-up process:

  1. A verification email will be dispatched to the email address provided during sign-up.
  2. Open the verification email and click on the enclosed link to confirm your email address.

Upon confirming your email address:

  1. You can log into your new account using the login page.
  2. The main dashboard screen will be displayed, showcasing the account name at the top of the main pane.
  3. Your username will be displayed in the left-hand pane under the Breeze logo.

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