Touchscreen Editor for Screens

What is it?

The touchscreen editor provides an interactive way to add touchscreen actions to control the photo booth. It also provides a way to edit touchscreen keyboards and survey screens. Touchscreen actions control what happens when different parts of a screen are touched by the user. Different actions can be defined for specific areas of each screen.

In this Guide

List of Screens

There is a list of screen and keyboard images on the left of the window, and on the right there is a preview showing the screen and any touchscreen actions that have been defined for that screen.

Click on any screen image in the list to select that screen and add or edit its touch screen actions. A brief description of the selected screen is displayed on the left above the list of screens.

The background image can be hidden by unchecking "Show background" and transparent areas in the overlay will be shown using a checkerboard pattern.

If you do not see the screen you require, you will need to create it and add it the folder containing your other screen images. You can find this folder by clicking on the "Screen folder" button.

See the guide on Customising the User Interface for a list of all the available screens.

Touchscreen Actions

Touchscreen actions are shown in the preview as gray boxes with a caption in the center indicating their action. Click on the touchscreen action to select it. The box defining the active area of the touchscreen action will be highlighted to indicate that it has been selected and a brief description of the action will be displayed on the left above the list of screen images.

If the screen display becomes too crowded due to the captions they can be turned off by unchecking "Show captions".

Moving a Touch Screen Action

The touchscreen area can be moved by left clicking the mouse and dragging it to the new position. The size of the touchscreen area can be adjusted by clicking on one of the corner handles and dragging it. Right click on the touchscreen action to display an option menu:

Adding a new Touch Screen Action

Select "Add action..." to add a new touchscreen action (you can also right click anywhere on the screen preview to display a menu to add a new action). This will display a list of the touchscreen actions that can be added to the screen:

Editing a Touch Screen Action

The action can be changed to a different action by selecting the new action from the dropdown list. The position and size of the the active area is defined as percentages of the screen width and height. This ensures that the touchscreen actions appear in the same relative position on the screens of iPads with different screen resolutions.

Live View Area

The live view area defines the size and position of the live view display on the screen and is only shown when one of the ready screens is selected in the touchscreen editor. There can only be one live view area in the ready screen. It can be moved and resized in the same way as touchscreen actions but it cannot be deleted. 

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